Terms of Services

This document describes the operation rules and Conditions for Providing Services over the Internet networks and is an electronic form of the agreement concluded between Russia Plus TV and the User.

1. General Provisions.

1.1. Company Russia Plus TV

1.2. Company Website or Website – www.russiaplus.tv

1.3. User – visitor who passed the registration process on the Site www.russiaplus.tv

1.4. The Company, being the owner of the Site and the provider of services, on a fee basis provides the User with a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Company’s Site, viewing materials available on the Site and using all additional functions provided on the Site

1.5. The main product of Russia Plus TV service is access to the playlist, for which a symbolic fee is charged according to the established tariff.

1.6. Use of the Russia Plus TV service by the User, any of its services, access to the main product means the User’s unconditional consent to all points of these rules, with all its amendments and additions, and unconditional acceptance. In case of disagreement of the User with any of these rules, the User is obliged to refuse from further use of service.

1.7. The User undertakes to use the service of Russia Plus TV only for personal non-commercial purposes, to comply with the terms of these rules, not to violate the rights and legitimate interests of the Administrator.

1.8. The User undertakes to familiarize himself with the terms of these rules and independently track their changes. Continuation of the use of the Service by the User after any changes and / or amendments to the rules implies the User’s consent with such changes and / or additions. Ignorance of the current rules by the User does not relieve the User from the obligations provided for in these rights, as well as responsibility for their failure to perform and / or improper performance.

1.9. The User hereby confirms that he has reached the age of 18 or other age specified as the country’s minimum authorized location in the country to view the relevant Content and for the possibility of making payment for viewing the Content in cases provided by the Administrator. A natural person who has not reached the required age, undertakes to refrain from access to viewing the Content and from making payment for viewing it. Otherwise, the responsibility for violating the conditions of this paragraph of the rules by an individual who has not reached the required age is borne by the parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees or other legal representatives in accordance with the legislation in force in the relevant country of the individual’s location.

1.10. In order to avoid the possibility for an individual who has not reached the required age, according to the legislation of the country where the natural person is located, to access the viewing of the service, the Administration transfers responsibility to its parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees or other legal representatives.

1.11. In the event of non-restriction by parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees or other legal representatives of access to Content that requires age limitation and the existence of circumstances, these rules are borne by parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees or other legal representatives.

1.12. The user guarantees that, when using the service, he does not and will not perform any actions aimed at circumventing technical means of protection against unauthorized use of the service, in particular, the system of territorial restriction of access to the product by IP-addresses, as well as any other actions aimed at on the change of functional characteristics, destabilization of the service.

1.13. The User hereby agrees to receive information, including promotional materials, push notifications from the Administrator by any non-prohibited applicable law applicable to these rules, in a manner, in particular, in the service interface, at any time, as well as at the e-mail address, the telephone number of the User or otherwise.

1.14. Access to the service, including the product, other services, is provided “as it is”, and the Administrator does not guarantee that they meet the User’s expectations.


2. Payment methods.

2.1. The Company offers the User to choose one of the following: Several ways to pay for services. List of available methods and necessary additional information on each of them is published on the Company’s website on page FAQ/Support.

2.2. By providing information about his bank card, the User grants the Company the authority to make an automatic monthly withdrawal of money from the credit or debit card on the basis of billed invoices. If the User accesses the Company’s services on the basis of advance payment, the company is authorized to automatically renew its subscription on the same basis as it was chosen during the last payment of the User.

2.3. The Company reserves the right to require the User to compensate for additional costs incurred through the User’s fault, including, but not limited to, such expenses as unsecured check-back. The user is obliged to pay these costs no later than 7 days after the invoice is issued.

2.4. The company does not return money for services already paid for, does not compensate for costs incurred by the User not through the fault of the Company.

2.5. Stopping the service for the client on the initiative of the Company can be performed due to non-payment of debts, as well as for any other reason. The Administration has the right at any time, at its discretion, to suspend, restrict or terminate the User’s access to the product, or to its separate services, including but not exclusively, in the event of a violation of the terms of this Agreement by the User, current legislation applicable to these rules, and also in the event that the Administrator has grounds to consider the User’s actions to be unfair, aimed at violation of the serviceability of the service and / or those that may lead to violation of rights , the legitimate interests of the Administrator, cause damage to reputation and the like. In the event that the termination / restriction / suspension of access to the service occurred due to the User’s fault, including due to the above actions, the funds paid by the User for access to the product are not refundable. The Administrator is not liable for any damage that may be caused to the User by such actions. The company reserves the right to refuse access to the client without explanation.


3. Copyright / Trademark.

3.1. The content of the Site is owned by Russia Plus TV and / or its licensors and information providers and is protected by relevant domestic and international copyright laws. Unless expressly indicated on the Russia Plus TV Site, Users are not allowed to distribute, publish, reproduce, modify, upload, transmit, broadcast, sell, license, create materials from or on the basis of materials on the Site, distribute, publicly display, crop, link or Otherwise, use the Site Content in whole or in part for commercial purposes. Any violation of the copyright law entails administrative or criminal liability.

3.2. Russia Plus TV and russiaplus.tv – trademarks and service marks owned by Russia Plus TV. Any product, service or trade name other than those belonging to Russia Plus TV and identifying a third party as owner may, even if not indicated, be a sign service or trademark of the relevant organizations or individuals. Any unauthorized use of Russia Plus TV signs is prohibited.

3.3. Russia Plus TV grants the User the right to limited personal use of services not for commercial purposes. No commercial organization (i.e. a corporation, a Company, a sole proprietor) is authorized to use the Site without prior written permission for the purpose of obtaining direct or indirect benefits from its use. The User agrees not to use the Site, materials or any elements and parts for any commercial purpose.


4. Interaction of the parties.

4.1. The Company undertakes to

4.1.1. Inform the User about any changes in the tariff plans or terms of use on the Company’s Site.

4.1.2. Rapidly respond to complaints and comments to the User, sent by e-mail or directly through the Site.

4.1.3. Provide support for Users.

4.2. The company or the administration has the right:

4.2.1. Distribute advertising and news subscription to Registered Users.

4.2.2. At its own discretion and without special notice to the User, restrict the User’s access to the playlist defined to the Content units, including through the system of territorial restriction of access to the Content viewing by the User’s IP addresses, change the list and other characteristics of the playlist, other information posted in the service, and also functional parameters of the service. By granting consent to this clause, the User releases the Administrator from any types of compensation and compensation for the implementation of the rights by the Administrator under this clause of the Agreement.

4.2.3. To apply any actions that do not contradict the current legislation applicable to these rules in order to prevent unauthorized access to the product, destabilize the service and other actions that violate the rights and legitimate interests of the Administrator.

4.2.4. In its sole discretion, irrespective of the User’s notice, modify or delete any information materials posted by the User, comments and the like. At the same time, the Administration is not liable for any damage that may be caused to the User by such action.

4.2.5. Stop the service for the customer due to non-payment of the debt or in case the User violates the terms of this agreement, as well as for any other reason. The company reserves the right to partially or completely restrict, or deny access and not renew the service to the client without explaining the reasons.

4.3. The company or administration is not responsible:

4.3.1. Neither Russia Plus TV nor any other provider of online information for the Site or their respective representatives guarantee that the Site will function smoothly and does not contain errors, viruses or security breaches; neither Russia Plus TV, nor any other provider of operational information for the Site or their respective representatives provide any guarantee regarding the results obtained from the use of the Site. It is not guaranteed the accuracy, timeliness and verification of the content of the Site. The site and its contents are distributed on a “as is” and “as is available” basis. Russia Plus TV and its agents do not give any guarantees, express or implied, including without limitation, warranty of title, or guarantees of merchant-ability or fitness for a particular purpose, tangible to the Site, its contents or any goods and services sold on that website. The user expressly agrees that all risk regarding the quality and serviceability of the Site and the accuracy or completeness of the content, or information available on this Site, lies on it.

4.3.2. In the exchange of data on the network and the electronic transfer of information, there is an inherent risk associated with the transmission of any information on the Internet. The Company does not guarantee and cannot guarantee that its system is unavailable to hackers or viruses, and the information provided by users of the Company will not be stolen or secretly stolen. The Company is not responsible for any infection or contamination of the User’s system or delays, interference, errors or inoperability resulting from the use of this Site or relating to the Materials contained on the Site. The user accepts such a risk as not an integral part of the interaction with any Internet site, including this Site, and is fully responsible for the harm, danger or damage resulting from a security breach.

4.3.3. Neither Russia Plus TV, nor third-party information suppliers, nor their respective agents are liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, definite or consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to use the Site, even if these parties are warned of the possibility of such damages.

4.3.4. For any direct or indirect losses of the User caused by unsatisfactory reception quality due to software or hardware failures, including but not limited to the following: disruption of modems, routers, receivers, operating systems, browsers, media players, ottplayers, IPTV players, firewalls, antivirus programs, drivers, codecs, etc., as well as due to failures in the local network through the fault of Internet providers.

4.3.5. The company or the administration is not responsible for disruptions in the operation of the local computer due to virus infection, misuse or incorrect use of the software, as well as for other reasons that are not explicitly specified here.

4.4. Obligations of the User.

4.4.1. The user must provide at his own expense with the necessary hardware and software conditions, including a computer, an operating system, a contract with an Internet provider. Recommended parameters for the personal computer and Internet speed are published on the Company’s website at http://russiaplus.tv in the FAQ/support section.

4.4.2. Ensure the security and safety of the User-Login data and the password required for logging on to the system. Responsibility for unauthorized use of this information due to disclosure to family members, friends, colleagues, etc. lies with the User.

4.4.3. Pay additional costs associated with using the service to the providers of the relevant services. Such expenses include connection to the Internet, monthly payments for the use of the Internet, payment of telephone and other accounts that may arise when using this service, as well as other services that are not expressly indicated here.

5. Restrictions.

5.1 It is allowed to simultaneously use the main product for no more than 2 devices.

6. Protection of personal data.

6.1. The company or the administrator undertakes not to disclose information about the User to third parties without the consent of the User, except for disclosure of information at the request of the court and or law enforcement agencies in accordance with the applicable law of the country in question.

6.2. The Administration has the right to store and process any information entered by the User on the service or provided to the Administration by other means (including the IP and MAC addresses of the User, the location of the User, the version of the operating system and Device settings through which the User accesses the product, etc..).

6.3. The User undertakes and guarantees to indicate accurate and reliable personal data and keep them up to date. The User understands and accepts that the provision of unreliable information to the Administration can lead, among other things, to the failure to receive up-to-date information, notifications, warnings from the Administration.

7. Information on the site.

7.1 The Company provides the Site services only for entertainment purposes. Russia Plus TV does not guarantee the truthfulness or reliability of the information contained on this Site. The user understands and acknowledges the possibility of such information due to subjective or mechanical error, errors or inadvertence of the provided data or information, delays or interference in the transmission of data or information due to any reasons, and other factors. The company is not responsible for errors or errors in the information contained or available on the Site. All information and content of the Site is provided “as is” without any guarantees, express or implied, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchant-ability, fitness for a particular purpose or without violations.

8. Written agreement.

8.1. Written agreement. These Terms of Service constitute a written agreement between the Russia Plus TV Company and the User. The printed version of these Terms of Service and any electronic communication relating to this agreement must be accepted in legal and administrative matters within the same framework and subject to the same restrictions as other commercial contracts, documents or records created and stored in the printed form.

8.2. Full integration. These Terms of Service constitute the entire agreement between the Russia Plus TV Company and the User. Neither a preliminary or simultaneous written, oral, or electronic presentation, the agreement is not part of this agreement, and these Terms of Service replace everything.

8.3. The Russia Plus TV does not provide any facts or warranties that the Site’s materials are legitimate, proper or available anywhere. Those who decided to use this site do so at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with local laws and local laws.

8.4. Changes. The Company reserves the right to change this Agreement and any rules of using the Site. Any changes will take effect immediately after publication on the Site or after distribution by e-mail or regular mail. The User agrees that the continued use of the Site upon notification of a change in this agreement must be recognized by acceptance of these changes.

8.5. The parties agree that they will take all possible measures to resolve the possible differences out of court.

8.6. Electronic form of agreement. The user refuses any claims that may be based on the electronic form of these Terms of Service, and agrees to the lack of signatures of the parties to enforce these Terms of Service.

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